Programmes and plans

Find out what programmes and plans we deliver as well as what we plan to do in future.

The British Sign Language (BSL) Plan for East Renfrewshire sets out the actions we and our partners will take over from 2024 to 2030.

This plan was developed in collaboration with people who use BSL and is framed around the same long-term goals as the BSL National Plan 2023-2029.

Read the BSL plan (PDF) [1MB]

As a top performing council, our reputation can only be maintained if we continue to develop and grow to meet the needs of you, our customers as well as improving the way we work internally.

The Council's Digital Transformation Strategy for 2021-2024 (PDF) [1MB] was approved by Cabinet in June 2021 and focused on 3 major programmes of change:

  • Customer Experience - providing a consistent, efficient customer experience, designed with the user at the heart.
  • Business Systems & Processes - efficient and effective business systems and processes enabled by digital technology and optimised across the Council.
  • Workforce Productivity - increasing the productivity and effectiveness of our workforce, enabled by Office 365 capabilities and better use of data.

This new Digital Transformation Strategy replaced our previous Modern Ambitious Programme (MAP) which was formally closed at 31 March 2022.

Despite a continued focus on pandemic response and recovery, and delays in some areas, our services have made substantial progress across 2021/22 to progress our digital transformation ambitions, make efficiencies, improve customer service and modernise the way we work.

Our latest Cabinet report provides details of the very broad range of areas being progressed and the commendable delivery, even in the wake of the significant workload of the pandemic, and development of the Council's digital transformation programme in challenging circumstances.

Read the latest update on our Digital Transformation achievements (PDF) [639KB]

The pace and scale of change across the Council and HSCP remains significant. This is driven by pressures on budgets; statutory and contractual obligations and our own ambitions for digital modernisation and improved user experience. Prioritisation, resource management and good governance will continue to be key to the next stages of our digital transformation journey, with a focus on customer experience, our business systems and processes and capitalising on the use of Office 365 capabilities to enhance the productivity of our workforce.

East Renfrewshire Council will continue to focus on digital transformation to become more efficient, accessible, modern and make improvements based on customer needs.


The Outcome Delivery Plan (ODP) is a one year plan, updated annually, which focuses on our activities, performance measures and targets. It also explains what we're doing to ensure delivery of the agreed local outcomes. 

Outcome delivery plan 2024-2025 (PDF) [6MB]

Our Gaelic Language Plan sets out how we'll work to develop and sustain the Gaelic language and its place in Scotland's heritage.

Read the Gaelic Language Plan (PDF) [597KB]

East Renfrewshire faces great changes in its population in the coming years. We expect our population to increase, to have more elderly residents, to see a decline in death rates and to have an increase in the number of households, as more people live alone.

East Renfrewshire is already one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse communities in the country and we expect this trend to continue.

Read our planning for the future report (PDF) [1MB] .

View our planning for the future infographics (PDF) [410KB] .

Last modified on 20 August 2024