Short Term Lets
Information regarding new legislation which applies to short term lets
The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022 was approved by the Scottish Parliament 19 January 2022 and came into force on 1 March 2022.
Short-term lets can offer people a flexible and cheaper travel option, and have contributed positively to Scotland's tourism industry and local economies across the country. The Scottish Government has put in place this licensing scheme to ensure basic safety standards are in place across all short-term lets operating in Scotland, while also providing discretionary powers to licensing authorities to address the needs and concerns of local communities. Improved visitor experience and confidence will benefit tourism and the economy.
East Renfrewshire Council had their licensing scheme ready to receive applications as of 1 October 2022.
You can find out more about updates to legislation and the deadlines for implementation on our updates page.
It is a criminal offence for any person to continue to operate after their licence application has been determined and refused.
The aims of the licensing scheme are:
- to ensure all short-term lets are safe
- to facilitate licensing authorities in knowing and understanding what is happening in their area
- to assist with handling complaints and address issues faced by neighbours effectively
We publish details of all the short-term let licence applications we receive in our short-term let licence register, which is regularly updated,
Before completing your application please read and review the checklists below to ensure you have all the information you require to proceed:
Getting your application right first time will help you to get a decision more quickly.
The maximum period for processing applications as set out in legislation is 9 months for new hosts and 12 months for existing hosts during the transitional period. Where East Renfrewshire Council has received all valid documentation, fees and information to validate your application - we aim to process your application within 28 days.
Please refer to our FAQs sheet (PDF) [220KB] for information on licensing multiple properties on one site
East Renfrewshire Council does not intend on implementing Control Area Regulations mainly due to the, estimated, low prevalence of Short Term Let activity operating in this local authority area.
This will be kept under review as the application process opens and we can establish overall prevalence.
Under provisions within the Licensing Order, a preliminary ground for refusing to consider an application for a Short Term Let is that the use of the proposed premises would constitute a breach of planning controls set out under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 by virtue of section 123 (1) (a) or (b) of that Act.
Hosts and operators are, therefore, encouraged to engage with the Council's planning department prior to submitting a licence application to confirm whether they require planning permission or a certificate of lawful use of development:
See our Apply for planning permission web page for more information.
Hosts are responsible for notifying residents and neighbours of their application for a new Short-Term Lets Licence, or their renewal of an existing Short-Term Lets licence.
Applicants are required to display a site Notice clearly at, or near the premises, so that it can be conveniently read by the public, for a period of 21 days, beginning with the date on which the application was submitted to the Council - information can be found in the Scottish Government's Short term lets Guidance.
A Notice must state:
- that an application has been made for a licence
- the main facts of the application
- that objections and representations in relation to the application can be made to the Council, and
- how to make objections or representations
Download and complete a Public notice application (PDF) [371KB]
Download and complete an objection form (PDF) [91KB]
Download and complete a Certificate of compliance (PDF) [177KB]
If you experience any noise, nuisance, antisocial behaviour or criminal related activity from a short term let property you can report any incidents using our Ring and Report service via Police Scotland or email
Complaints regarding the Council's operation of its Short-Term Lets Licensing Policy or Procedures will be investigated in accordance with the Council's formal Complaints Procedure.
Complaints should be sent to the Senior Officer for investigation:
Alternatively complaints can be sent by post to:
Senior Officer (Private Sector Housing Team)
East Renfrewshire Council
211 Main Street
East Renfrewshire, G78 1SY
The Council will aim to respond to 1st stage complaints within 5 working days and 2nd stage complaints within 20 working days. The Council will keep a record of all complaints made under this Policy.
After 1 October 2023:
Existing hosts can only continue to operate if they have:
- a) Submitted an application for a licence on or before 1 October 2023 that has not yet been determined; OR
- b) Been granted a short-term let licence.
After 1 January 2025:
All short-term lets in Scotland will need to be licensed by 1 January 2025. On or after 1 January 2025 operating without a licence is unlawful in all cases.
Read the guidance for hosts and operators and the supplementary guidance for licensing authorities, letting agencies and platforms, published by the Scottish Government on 18 March 2022
If you've got a query about Short Term Lets? Contact the Private Sector Housing Team. Email:
This website will be updated as implementation of our scheme and register evolves.